Products -> All Products

The first time you go to the product list, you should see a screen similar to the screenshot above. Go ahead and click on ‘Create Product’.

In this example, I’m creating an iPhone 11 64GB. Notice in the screenshot above how I’m pointing out the Category selection (based on Product Category setup). I’m also pointing out the product-type selection, which you’ll want to change to ‘Variable product’.

In the screenshot above, we can see how I’ve changed the product to Variable product. I then went to Attributes and I’m about to select the ‘Carrier’ attribute, as we set up previously.

After selecting the Carrier attribute, I then checked the box for ‘Used for Variations’. This is an important step in the variation setup. I also chose the ‘Select all’ option as highlighted above. You can customize your attributes terms on a per-product basis if you want.

Important: Make sure to do this same procedure for ‘Condition’ as well!

Once you’ve added both Carrier and Condition attributes and marked both as being used for Variations, it’s now time to go to the variations sub-tab.

Chose the ‘Create variations from all attributes’ and the system can then create the full set of permutations for Carrier and Condition combination.

When that process has completed, you’ll see a list of variations. Click ‘Expand’ as shown above to see the details of each variation. The most important part of this new data set is to set the price for each variation, as shown in the screenshot above.

When a customer goes to your site and selects a product, in this case, an iPhone 11, they will then have selection options for carrier and condition. Each selection will have a price associated with it.

Make sure to add a Product image, it’s very important!

And as the last step in our basic product setup, click either “Publish” or “Update” to make the product publicly-visible. I also recommend viewing your product so you can see how customers will see it.

Once you’ve set up your first product perfectly, you’ll need to repeat the process for as many other products as you’d like to purchase.